Morning Edition
Morning Edition

Morning Edition takes listeners around the country and the world with multi-faceted stories and commentaries every weekday. Hosts Steve Inskeep, David Greene and Rachel Martin bring you the latest breaking news and features to prepare you for the day.

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MON-FRI 3am-9am

Sen. Klobuchar was among those fighting to lower drug prices for Medicare recipients

NPR's A Martinez talks to Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota about which medications are up first to have their prices negotiated, and when will the new prices kick in.

The Biden administration picks the first 10 drugs for Medicare price negotiation

The Inflation Reduction Act gives the federal government power to negotiate the price of certain drugs for Medicare. It marks a change to prescription drug policy that's been decades in the making.

Pushback grows after Florida puts limits on teaching Black history in schools

Scholars and teachers are fighting back at Florida standards that limit the teaching of Black history. They're holding a conference in Jacksonville next month.

A judge sets March 4, 2024, as the trial date in a Trump election interference case

NPR'S Steve Inskeep talks to GOP political consultant Doug Heye, a former communications director for the RNC, about how the date for Donald Trump's federal Jan. 6 trial might affect the GOP primary.

Forecasters keep a close eye on Idalia. It is expected to hit Florida's Gulf Coast

Idalia is now a Category 1 hurricane, and is expected to strengthen as it moves toward the Gulf Coast of Florida. It comes nearly a year after Hurricane Ian devastated the coast near Fort Myers.

Road trip through California with 5 kids sound fun? What about doing it on foot?

Danae and Olen Netteburg are hiking the more than 2,000 mile Pacific Crest Trail with kids ages two to 14. That's after hiking the Appalachian Trail and the Continental Divide Trail.

Hawaii loves Spam — and now Spam is giving back

In response to wildfires, the maker of the shelf-stable pork product sent the equivalent of five truckloads of Spam to Maui. That's over a quarter of a million cans.

How — and why — scientists created a see-through squid

Scientists have genetically engineered a see-through squid, allowing researchers to study its brain activity and other biological processes. (Story aired on All Things Considered on Aug. 25, 2023.)